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Keep the attitude | Mantén la actitud

Photo: Edwar Simal

Indianapolis, USA


During the autumn that made its way in Indianapolis, I was able to capture this character in his street concert. Unlike those who marched quickly to seek refuge from the cold wind as the afternoon wore on, our improvised musician rattled the containers with a drumstick in hand while he waved his maraca with the other hand. Sitting on a drum and dressed to stay there during the cold sunset, with his joy and smile reminded me that we must maintain the attitude despite the difficult.

See you around.


Durante el otoño que se abría paso en Indianápolis, pude capturar a este personaje en su concierto callejero. A diferencia de aquellos que marchaban rápidamente para buscar refugio del frío viento a medida que avanzaba la tarde, nuestro músico improvisado hacía sonar los recipientes con una baqueta en mano, mientras agitaba su maraca con la otra mano. Sentado sobre un tambor y vestido para permanecer allí durante el frío atardecer, con su alegría y sonrisa me hizo recordar que debemos mantener la actitud a pesar de las dificultades.

Nos Leemos.

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